What is a Birthkeeper?

A Birthkeeper is someone who holds space for women to hold their own power. Connect with oneself. A birth keeper uses every part of oneself and uses it to protect and hold space that mothers need to birth on their own terms.

  • We respect and understand birth.
  • We help them embrace birth and understand their own power.
  • We believe in traditional wisdom.
  • Birth is a right of passage and we are here to awkwaen the power in women.
  • We know that women are born with the wisdom of birth and motherhood in our DNA.
  • We believe in the Human Body.
  • We believe that women are wise and birth is sacred.
  • We believe in you.

Let’s schedule a complimentary, no-commitment consultation with you to learn more about your needs and how my services can best support you and your family. This meeting will be a great opportunity for us to get to know each other and discuss the options that are most suitable for you.
If you’re interested click the button below to schedule.

Star Fruit Package

4 meetings while Pregnant + unlimited phone, email, text.
On-Call starting at 37 Weeks
In-Person Presence at any point in labour.
At the birth until you and baby are fed & satisfied
2 – three-hour postpartum visits

The Focus:

  • Visioning your wild pregnancy
  • Building a support team
  • Education on physiological, undisturbed pregnancy, birth, postpartum
  • Massage
  • Herbalism For The Childbearing Year
  • Support thinking about pregnancy nutrition and meal preparation
  • Healing pregnancy fears & concerns
  • Preparation for a birth on your terms
  • Preparation for a sacred postpartum

How would a birth keeper be important for your birth?

Current System
Provides any test at their discretion and their choice without considering the mother.

Woman-Led Birth
You decide what test you’re wanting and allow yourself the choice.

Current System
You are “allowed” the things you want: i.e. to eat, drink, dance, scream, etc.

Woman-Led Birth
You can do whatever you want while in labour

Current System
The doctor delivers the baby

Woman-Led Birth
YOU give birth and deliver the baby.

Current System
You must be on the clock. Have baby at so many weeks, if your water breaks give birth in 24h and more.

Woman-Led Birth
You aren’t on a clock. Have that baby when you want it, mama!

How would I help you?

-praise you
-provide physical and emotional support through means such as nourishment, hydration, comforting language, physical touch, counter
-pressure techniques, acupressure, reminding you of your strength, and being a supportive partner
-remind others of your authority
-offer my perspective when asked
-assist with other children
-take care of tidying up.