You may wonder the infamous question of why do I need a doula when I have a partner. 

What do you think your partner’s role in the labour room is?

What do you think a doula’s role is in the labour room?

Well for starters I will tell you what my role as a doula is. I am a support person who is trained and qualified to work with you by studying continuously books, articles, upcoming workshops, trainings from multiple organizations.

This list goes on for whoever you may bring into the room. I assume you are understanding what I am getting at by now?

By all means these people will support you in their own way. As do I as your doula supports you and your birth.

Now if you have your partner in the room that is amazing!

Let me tell you a little story. My grandmother who I call Oma had it much different. (let us also remember this is the 60’s) she was in a different country than her home town. She barely spoke English, my Opa was not allowed in the room and he spoke better English than she did. She could have used someone there to support her in that moment.   

Now of course it is a different day-an-age, but your partner is still not your doula. He is the person in the room who loves and knows you better than anyone else in the room.

But if you don’t believe me how about you look at some of these questions that might change your mind.

In the end you must ask yourself, do you want your partner to be your birth doula who has to keep some space between you so they can provide unbiased support, or do you want them to be your partner and love and honor you as your partner?

It is totally fine if you don’t want a doula, YOU have that choice. But don’t tell people that your partner will be your doula. You have choices and we ask you to use your words with other people. So you don’t misinform them. 

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