Symphysis pubis dysfunction is also easier to say SPD. (But don’t let it be confused with Sensory Processing Disorder totally two separate things.)
What is SPD?
SPD happens when the ligaments that keep your pelvic bone more aligned during pregnancy becomes too relaxed and stretchy. Normally too soon before birth. This can make the symphysis pubis unstable. It can cause in return; pelvic pain.
SPD is common in about 1 in 300 pregnancies. Some doctors think more women are having SPD but it isn’t bad enough for them to get it checked out.
Some of the ways these things can be helped is trying some of the following.

- Chiropractic Care
- Kegels is Recommended
- Anterior Oblique Swing (Swipe Right)
- Standing Release (You need help from a friend/partner)
- Spinning Babies Exercises (This is absolutely the best and can relieve the pain)
- Leaning (Over a ball, counter top, relieve pressure on your pelvic bones.)
- Abdominal Lift. (Using Rebozo or Sheet)
- Prenatal Massage
- Belly Sling
- Pelvic Exercises ( Pelvis Tilts & Rolls)
Try some of these things and see if it helps! There is so much information out there and if you have a doula while having SPD she may recommend some things I didn’t mention here.