The Birth of a Family…

The Birth of a Family…

Being a doula is such an incredible gift. With my first anniversary of becoming a doula coming up very soon, I am getting a bit emotional. 

I have had such a wonderful time with this career.

I get to see families being made. My clients are all very special to me. Some days I feel like my heart is so big and so full of love and hope for my clients I feel like I will burst! 

 When I started this all I dreamed was that I got to see birth and babies. I have learned so much more than that it’s made me full with love and admiration for not only babies being brought earthside. But also the birth of parents.

I have always been very empathic and touched by dealing with people. I learn so much from dealing with people and growing as a person. 

I was getting my photos ready on my desktop organizing them for a scrapbook of the year that I might be working on with my sister when I saw the sweet photo of me holding a cute baby from a client.

Such a wonderful gift to be a doula. I get thank you’s from clients and I am the one who feels I should be thanking them.

I always do because… I am the lucky one of seeing a family be born.