What does intuitive mean?
using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning
Just to give you a little insight on how you need to learn to be true even without conscious reasoning. This can happen through the art of journaling.
If you speak to any coach, therapist, or self-help person, they will recommend this as well. I’ve done multiple exercises, ones with prompts, mind dumps, or just a pen and paper.
Writing is one of those key sessions that allow you to freely do what you need to.
One of the key components that childbirth needs is intuition and a lot of people are not connected or don’t feel that same connection to their gut.
Let me tell you a story about a time that I just knew I had a gut feeling it happens quite often and I’ve learned to lean into it because if we don’t we can be led astray.
At the time I was about 20 years old and I had a client or a client to be shall I say that I was getting a vibe that we weren’t going to click, but I was young and I was desperate to try to help people. So surely I said yes and that I would help her.
Well about a week or two later it turns out she had also interviewed other doulas before signing my contract and one of the other doulas had spoken negatively about me and my age, this led to that same client that I had a gut feeling about deciding that I wasn’t the person for her but she said it in a more negative way. (No need to repeat that here.)
So what are some of the five ways that I feel like I can connect better with myself?
With journaling you need to focus on a few key elements. Trying to connect with my inner self, to connect with whatever the problem may be.
In this case it’s not a problem but it’s pregnancy or having a baby. How are you connecting to it?
Then you’ve got a visualization technique.
How do you visualize it going down in your mind? Are you constantly thinking the negative way or you trying to see if positively?
I also believe that you need to reflect on how you can install a self-care routine that would help better benefit yourself making you become more attuned.
One of my virtual assistant clients actually recently told me that she believed I was wiser than most people my age. Obviously at the time of writing this I’m 23 years old and I see things in a way that most young women of my stature think.
But I’ve learned to become more aware about what my body needs and less of what other people want of me. Of course I’m not perfect and I don’t think we all can reach that either as there is no such thing as perfect it’s all in our mind.
No, what I’m saying here in this very long story I’m telling you today it’s all about how you can better connect with your inner self and my key word for that is JOURNAL.
I’m the type to use prompts. I prefer it because it gives me something to start off with.
My biggest tip is never think about it, set a timer for say 5 minutes, open your journal and write whatever your brain is having.
I’ve had certain exercises like this where I’ve become more aware of something that I never even knew I needed.
To finish it off with one more personal story, I took a writing class and we were presented with an exercise to write or draw what our present and future selves look like.
In that moment my future self was invisible, there was no me to be seen but the present self was chained down with bearing bricks holding me to the ground.
I then looked at that picture and wrote down everything that was in that sense representing the bricks. It shocked me how much I had learned about myself that I didn’t even realize what was going on.
Journaling can be that for you as well and maybe writing isn’t your medium, maybe it’s drawing or maybe you need to sing, create music or dance.
Whatever your passion is that could lead you to becoming more self aware, DO IT!
P.S. If you feel like you need more support with intuitive journaling, I created a journal to do just that for expecting parents!