My first Halloween was at a young age. A time that I don’t remember, but my family does! My parents kept on to the costume and whenever talking about it they would show me the pumpkin costume I wore for my first Halloween.
It was nice and warm. There are some really cute Halloween costumes for young babies. You might ask yourself what the point is if they aren’t actually getting the candy!
Well, it is time to read a few small ones down below and maybe add them to your to-do list today.
1. You might like to have some fun!
You see friends with older kids trick or treating and remember the days when you used to party but you are stuck in between. NOT REALLY! You can still go and have some fun. People love babies
so if you open your door asking for candy they aren’t caring if in the end you will get to go eat.
2. You might like to dress up as well.
This is more of an add-on with the above-mentioned but maybe you have some fun dressing up too! Become creative or even find a good one at a local store near your home that provides good
quality costumes that you might reuse in the future.
3. Pictures
You need something to embarrass your kids when they are older. (-insert snicker-) Pictures are a fun way to remember them when they were young. Time is one of those things that can ëy by you. You might like the pictures to remember and I still look back on my pictures of when I was younger. Having a hard time believing that was me.
4. Visit a Halloween Parade.
Depending on your area you might actually like to go to a parade that is Halloween themed. With the last months of actual warm or fun days left before the winter storms blow through. This might be something fun to do!
5. Make it Family Time
If you are trick or treating this can be a good family time. Have a nice stroller. (here in Canada you will need a coat over top of your costumes because we never have a great Halloween.) *
Enjoy this time together as you can set it aside if as a couple or other family members to spend it together and enjoy each other’s company and get some good exercise.
*Tip: So many times, we have walked in the rain if you are in the local Ontario area bring an umbrella as more than ten plus times we have walked in rain and never brought an umbrella.