Today I’m talking about who I am.

What I am and what that means to me.

I am woman.

I have a womb.

I have a monthly cycle.

I have breasts.

I am unique.

Throughout history, women have been unheard and thought less of.

But being a woman doesn’t and does define us

It may be a fearful topic to talk about, especially with today’s role that we hold in society.

Obviously, I’m a birth keeper.

I hold space for women.

Three Women Standing There. Pregnancy, holistic, free birth, female connection, herbal, birth, postpartum, natural., Saskatchewan, Canada, Sisters

But I’m understanding because I am a woman.

I know what it means when you’re on your cycle.

I know what it means when you’ve had cramps to the point that you don’t wanna do anything.

But I also know that we fight through it and we go on with our day.

I have seen women in their element all the while going through the pain of labour.

I have seen women hold on conversations,

raise their children,

and cook a meal all while going through the pain of labour.

As a woman, I know throughout history there is one thing that defines us always.

Our strength.

Our wisdom.

Our beauty.

But there’s one thing that as a woman I lack today.

It’s something that you might lack as well.

Women used to be connected.

We used to depend on one another, and lean on each other for support

Have you ever read the book the Red Tent?

It’s a magical story that’s supposed to take place in Bible times and the story goes on to talk about four in a sense… sisters.

I remember clearly from the story one of them being a midwife and throughout all of the important times in a woman’s life they would be there for each other.

They would go away into their red tent, the men would never disturb them while they were on their cycles, and the story goes on to talk about a young girl from one of the mothers.

She had learned so much in the tent, and followed the midwife when she went to Egypt for birth’s and in the end of the story she goes on to be a midwife herself

It’s a very in-depth story and I remember them making a movie about it as well, but you learn a lot from stories like that.

Although it might be fiction it shows you that women crave one thing.

women on a tree. Pregnancy, holistic, free birth, female connection, herbal, birth, postpartum, natural., Saskatchewan, Canada, Sisters


A bond,

Something that ties us together more than just our womb.

I’m wanting to form a connection.

Nowadays, we have the ability to connect with people all over the world through the power of the Internet.

Since I’m a woman, a coach, a birth keeper, and a multi-passionate woman, I know that I have something to share with my sisters.

Wherever you may be.

If this pregnancy,

If this fertility cycle,

If you’re trying to understand the end of your cycles and you’re reaching menopause or perimenopause,

You don’t have to be alone you can be with your sisters from around the world, we can teach each other things and we can form our own connection just like those in the red tent.

If you’re interested please contact me so that I can send you more details when the program has opened.

And sister, don’t be disappointed because we don’t have that one thing we lack.

Just as always we are strong

We are brave and we are beautiful.