Morning Sickness. Some might just call it the bane of their pregnancy. Where are you on the subject? In your pregnancy or past pregnancies did you have a lot of morning sickness?

So, would you like some tips to help with your morning sickness?

1. Preggie Pops
They are meant to be very helpful. Of course, with everyone, they have different reactions and for some, it helps and for others, it don’t. I provide samples so if you need some stay in touch with
me! I want to help!

2. Candy Canes or Peppermints
We go back to it for some it helps but peppermint is meant to help with nausea. Plus its something you can do if you work or have other things that require your attention quickly.

3. Ginger Candy or Cubes
Ginger is another one of those natural things that might help. Take what you can handle and try it.

4. Small Snacks/Meals
This is the period you don’t want to be eating too much all at once. There will come a time for that. This is not that time! Eat small bites and try to drink water as well.

5. Acupuncture.
If you believe in alternative medicine and if you have benefits or can afford it look into getting acupuncture done to maybe help you relieve some of the stress of Morning sickness.

I have more tips where I can to give them so stay tuned to social media or sign up for my newsletter to get access to lots of free things!

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