Here are some of my favourite things to explain to people when talking about Holistic Birth.

1. Your Own Choices

The ability to make your own choices.

When I say holistic it’s important to know this can be done in a hospital, or home (assisted/unassisted), the location of the birth doesn’t define you.

But once you know you want holistic, you know you have to fight and stand on guard for your choices.

People will always try to knock them down, and say they aren’t right, but the truth of the matter is you have the ability to make your own choices, regardless of what others say.

That’s why I teach and promote this need for you to learn that you have choices. About GBS, about location, about who is present and who isn’t. So much is out there.

2. Being One With Nature

We all know there are so many things happening with our food, our cleaning supplies, hair soaps, the makeup and more. When I first read the article, I couldn’t believe it, so I kept searching and looking for more information.

A reason for a more Holistic birth or a shift (more about that later) is to become one with nature.

Do you believe that there are plants or herbs to help us with our ailments?

I do and there are so many great things you can learn when trying to do so.

Plus what about essential oils?

Great wonders aren’t they?

I’m nowhere near close enough to learning everything but that’s the goal. The goal is to continue learning and helping my body.

woman in birth tub. Pregnancy, holistic, womb, closing the bones, alternative, wellness, whole

3. Focus on the Overall Wellness

With a Holistic Pregnancy(and Birth) you can focus on your overall Wellness.

Is there other methods for Gestational Diabetes Tests (yes) and how can I focus on my nutrition and the impact that has on my birth and pregnancy experience? You have to focus on overall wellness, and you need to trust your gut.

4. Incorporate Different Methods

Remember how I mentioned you can have a different choice for Gestational Diabetes instead of that test?

I highly recommend Lily Nichol’s book Real Food for Gestational Diabetes she isn’t some quack but a nutritionist.

The stuff they give you isn’t the only option. You’d be surprised but that applies to every single thing out there.

5. Less Invasive

You can be less invasive, and more hands-on with your birth.

Use movement, alternative therapies, different tones and language, to make the birth space something beautiful and free.

I’m a firm believer in these things. I’ve always believed there is more than what they are telling you (the doctors, government and more)

It’s why I’ve invented…


What does this mean?

The Holistic Womb Shift is a transformative journey towards a more womb-centered and nature-centered approach to the female body and birth. This shift challenges traditional views and encourages people to trust in their bodies and the wisdom of their foremothers. By embracing a holistic perspective, we are able to recognize and appreciate the innate power of the female body and the natural processes of birth.

Want to challenge the traditional views? Then I suggest you join me in the movement!

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